Category: Linux

I make my own server management stack

Few months ago, I was started to planning my own stack for server management. I was considering structure, thinking which programming language would I have benefit, thinking about expansions later, and so on… And a few weeks ago I started to implement some core services of mine.

Local Samba share among servers

I sometimes need to copy config files between my main server and Raspberry Pi. Since I implemented Linux cluster between them, it will be a bigger and bigger requirement for me. I have figured out a solution, which seems working, I share it.

Make a Linux cluster! – Beginning

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make a Linux cluster! – Configure resources

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make Linux cluster! – Work and test resources

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make Linux cluster! – Pitfalls and observations

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Execute cross system commands on Linux

Because I have expanded my local network with a Raspberry Pi 3 permanently, as that runs my DNS service, I had to work out a solution how I can execute remote commands there to run checks from my main server. I will explain it in this article.

Simple data store for my shell scripts

Usually, if I write a script, I do not prefer to store any parameter or input value as hard coded onto the scripts. And those long parameter lists seems clunky for me. Due to this reason, I made a simple key-value data storage for my local running scripts.