Think about IT

I make my own server management stack

Few months ago, I was started to planning my own stack for server management. I was considering structure, thinking which programming language would I have benefit, thinking about expansions later, and so on… And a few weeks ago I started to implement some core services of mine.

Local Samba share among servers

I sometimes need to copy config files between my main server and Raspberry Pi. Since I implemented Linux cluster between them, it will be a bigger and bigger requirement for me. I have figured out a solution, which seems working, I share it.

Make a Linux cluster! – Beginning

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make a Linux cluster! – Configure resources

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make Linux cluster! – Work and test resources

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Make Linux cluster! – Pitfalls and observations

Meanwhile I was writing applications for me, I always thinking how I could make my environment more bulletproof and stable. Fact, that I was using single systems, was always a single point of failure. Until now! At least on operating system level, I am beyond this obstacle.

Document my stuff

I have got an idea to document my information about my server on my server. I could download any wiki type CMS, but I thought it would be a good practice to make my own application!

Text performance in PostgreSQL

During to coming hobby projects I plan to use database to store text types with different lengths. I made an investigation and run some test to try what and how PostgreSQL store and work with text types. This article is result of this process.

Execute cross system commands on Linux

Because I have expanded my local network with a Raspberry Pi 3 permanently, as that runs my DNS service, I had to work out a solution how I can execute remote commands there to run checks from my main server. I will explain it in this article.