Category: .Net

Document my stuff

I have got an idea to document my information about my server on my server. I could download any wiki type CMS, but I thought it would be a good practice to make my own application!

Home Ticketing #6 – REST API

In this article, I will discuss about the REST API, what I have use for my home alerting service. This API is between my database engine and the incoming requests.

Simple data store for my shell scripts

Usually, if I write a script, I do not prefer to store any parameter or input value as hard coded onto the scripts. And those long parameter lists seems clunky for me. Due to this reason, I made a simple key-value data storage for my local running scripts.

Home Ticketing #4 – Handle data – EF setup

In my opinion, it is good way to make a separate layer between the database and the program logic. If I changed the database, it would be easier to make changes. Besides on this way, I can be assumed that each of my program treat the database on allowed ways. None of them will use or manipulate the data in database freely. It increase the robust of this application.

Home Ticketing #1 – Watch my back(end) at home!

Home, I am using a Debian server where are store my files, media files and some of my application what I strictly use on my local network. Although, I am the only user who use it, not a good thing when something bad happen there and I have no information about that. I am that kind of guy who like to write solution for myself, so I have decided that I build a ticketing system where I can collect alerts from my server and from my other devices (e.g.: Raspberry Pi).